Please answer the following questions about the student to help us improve our workshops.  Your input is greatly appreciated.

Question Title

* 1. I am a

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* 2. I am a

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* 3. How did you hear about today's event?

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* 4. Are you of Hispanic or Latino/Latina/Latinx origin?

Question Title

* 5. What is your race?

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* 6. What is the primary language spoken in your home?

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* 7. What school does your student currently attend?

Question Title

* 8. With which statement do you agree?

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* 9. Before you attended the workshop, did you believe you would be able to complete the FAFSA on your own?

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* 10. After you attended the workshop, do you believe you would be able to complete the FAFSA on your own?

Question Title

* 11. How much do you agree with this statement: Before the workshop, I understood why I should do the FAFSA.

Question Title

* 12. How much do you agree with this statement: After the workshop, I understand why I should do the FAFSA.

Question Title

* 13. How much do you agree with this statement: Before the workshop, I knew when to complete the FAFSA.

Question Title

* 14. How much do you agree with this statement: After the workshop, I know when to complete the FAFSA.

Question Title

* 15. How much do you agree with this statement: Before the workshop, I knew how to complete the FAFSA.

Question Title

* 16. How much do you agree with this statement: After the workshop, I know how to complete the FAFSA.

Question Title

* 17. How much do you agree with this statement: Before the workshop, I knew where to get help with the FAFSA if I need it.

Question Title

* 18. How much do you agree with this statement: After the workshop, I know where to get help with the FAFSA if I need it.

Question Title

* 19. Please rate this workshop for helpfulness.

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* 20. How was the audio reception?

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* 21. Before you attended the workshop, did you feel stressed or overwhelmed when thinking about completing the FAFSA?

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* 22. After you attended the workshop, do you feel stressed or overwhelmed when thinking about completing the FAFSA?

Question Title

* 23. Before you attended the workshop, were you confused about the FAFSA?

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* 24. After you attended the workshop, are you confused about the FAFSA?

Question Title

* 25. Please share any additional comments with us.