Welcome to My Survey

Disclosure Statement
Occupational Therapy and Trauma-Informed Care Practices Survey
Researcher: Stacie Pierce, COTA, OT/s
Salem State University
INTRODUCTION:  The research presented will ask you to answer questions about your use of the Trauma-Informed-Care in your assessment, treatment interventions and goal writing for your patients. The purpose of this study will be to develop a baseline of information that provides data as to how Trauma-Informed-Care is being used and areas that would benefit from further research regarding the use of Trauma-Informed-Care by occupational therapy professionals in mental health settings.

PARTICIPATION:  By taking part in this survey, you will be doing so voluntarily.  You can stop your participation at any time.  You are also free to decline to answer any question within the survey that you do not wish to answer. The questions within the survey will develop a baseline of information regarding the use of Trauma-Informed-Care and therefore answers are not designated as right or wrong.  All answers will remain completely anonymous.

There is a minimal risk of emotional or psychological harm in that you may find some of the questions to be sensitive in nature and may cause some emotional discomfort.  Some questions that are included in the survey will ask about your experiences with Trauma, in both your personal and professional life.  It may be distressing for you to think about these experiences.

To mitigate the potential risk of emotional and/or psychological discomfort that might be experienced by answering these questions are equivalent to those that might be encountered when working in the mental health field.  Individuals have the option to stop the survey and not continue at any time.

There is minimal risk of breach of confidentiality if participants provide their email addresses to participate in a lottery of a gift for participation.   

To minimize this risk all emails sent to researchers will be stored in PI’s password protected computer for up to 3 years and then will be destroyed.

BENEFITS:  The benefits of your participation in this survey will be the data you provide in the understanding of how Trauma-Informed Care is being used in mental health settings by occupational therapy professionals.

ANONYMITY:  Your name and identity will not be used in reports or in the presentation of the findings of this research. Information provided to the researchers in this survey will be kept in a password protected computer for 3 years before being destroyed in accordance with the IRB guidelines, with exception of information which must be reported under Massachusetts and Federal law such as cases of child or elder abuse.  This research project has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of Salem State University.

Thank you for your help.

CONTACT:  For any questions about the research you are asking to be a participant in, please contact researcher Stacie Pierce, OT/s at s_pierce4@salemstate.edu or research advisor Prof. Jean MacLachlan, PhD, OTR at jmaclachlan@salemstate.edu.

For Concerns about your treatment as a research participant, please contact:

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA, 01970
(978) 542-7177 or irb@salemstate.edu

This research project has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board at Salem State University in accordance with US Department of Health & Human Services Office of Human Research Protections 45 CFR part 46 and does not constitute approval by the host institution.