Applicant Information

Thank you for your interest in partnering with The Knowledge Center at Chaddock.

We know that knowledge of developmental trauma and attachment is vital if you work with children, families and individuals, however it is often not enough. It takes a solid foundation of understanding and a cohesive approach to be able to respond fully, and with compassion, to the complex mental health needs of human beings who have experienced trauma and disruptions to their secure base relationships.

In our experience, we have found that a "one and done" training simply won't cut it. To be truly trauma-informed and attachment-based the organization must experience a culture shift, and its individuals, a mindset shift. In our experience we have found that a combination of training, real-time observation or mentoring, plus ongoing touchpoints in the form of reflective consultation sessions is the most effective way to facilitate, and maintain, change.

We will address this need by tailoring comprehensive, individualized services that are delivered throughout the course of a year with ample opportunity for application and reflection, and support during challenging transitions.

As we consider applicants for this opportunity we ask that you take the time to complete the following survey as fully as possible. If you have additional questions, please contact Kirsty Ruggles, Lead Trainer for The Knowledge Center at Chaddock, at

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* 1. Your Name & Position Held at your Organization

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* 2. Your Organization's Name

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* 3. Organization Address (Street, City, State, Zip)

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* 4. Your Email Address

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* 5. Phone # (please include your extension, if applicable)

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* 6. Why would you like to be considered for this opportunity?

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* 7. How is your work or organization impacted by trauma and/or relational challenges?

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* 8. What do you hope to gain from this opportunity?