1. Teens in Action Information

100% of survey complete.
Teens in Action Service Learning and Leadership program is designed to assist students develop leadership and complete a portion of the community service requirement. All student who wish to participate in Freshman Orientation, service projects, school opening service activites, service road trips, and social events need to complete this form. All Students should complete this questionnaire so that we can be in contact with your regarding the Service Learning Program. Questions can be directed us at TeensinAction@campfirepatuxent.org

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following Registration Information for participation in Teens in Action Middle and High School Service learning Program. It is our practice to communicate with both the students and the parents for risk management reasons. Youth receiving emails at their own address must also have listed a parents email address for this reason. Parents please ensure that your teen has completed this form

Question Title

* 2. Do you have any medical conditions or allergies that we should know about to keep you safe during Camp Fire Activities? Please provide an explanation in the box below.

  Yes NO
Allergies to Medications
allergies to Food
Medical Conditions
Are your immunizations up to date?
Was your last tetanus shot in the last 12 months. Please list date in box below?
Are you taking any medications

Question Title

* 3. What type of activities would you like to be involved in with Teens in Action

Question Title

* 4. By completing this section, you agree to guidelines of Camp Fire USA and Teens in Action. Teens in Action youth are required to complete a code of conduct as part of their participation in our programs. This form is available on the forms section of www.campfireusa-patuxent.org. Youth are also required to have parental permission to participate. A fee of $35 per year is charged for membership and insurance which is payable upon receipt of the invoice.

I understand these requirements and want to be part of Camp Fire USA Teens in Action. I understand that I will receive a signature page and the code of conduct after I complete this form.

I have advised my parents of my intentions to be part of the Teens in Action Program