Dear Friend and Neighbor,

We need your opinion! Our church family is going through a strategic planning process. Our goal is to effectively use our resources to address the most pressing community needs. We’ve learned that it’s important to listen to the thoughts and advice of those around us. 

We know you are busy - that is why the survey is designed to take only a few minutes to complete. This is a confidential survey. We promise that no one will attempt to call or contact you in any way. We sincerely wish to gain insight from those who live around us - nothing more and nothing less.

Thank you for helping us.

Your neighbors at Community Bible Church.

Question Title

* 1. Community Children & Youth

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Anger-management classes for parents of newborns
Babysitting training classes for teens
Mentoring programs for young parents
Organized projects to teach children the value of community service
Classes designed for area youth to develop character and values

Question Title

* 2. Community Singles

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Divorce recovery programs
Mom’s night out for single moms
Classes on dating and preparing for marriage
Non-alcoholic singles social events

Question Title

* 3. Community Families

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Matching young parents with those who have successfully raised their children
Classes on communication and conflict resolution
Organizing family-oriented activities at no/low cost
Training for blended families
Family support groups to share victories & struggles

Question Title

* 4. Community Seniors

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Offer classes on loneliness and growing older
Constructing an affordable senior living community in close proximity to hospitals
Organize area youth and teens to help seniors with cleaning and simple projects
Day trips to sporting events, museums, and other places of interest
Accounting services to help with tax preparation
Medical services to help organize medications, appointments, and bills

Question Title

* 5. Community Challenges

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Basic food and nutrition
Families with teens in need of residential placement outside the home
Those coping with alcohol and/or drug addictions
Substandard housing
Returning to community life after imprisonment
Housing for victims of domestic abuse
Housing for families willing to provide foster care for area children in need

Question Title

* 6. Community Finances

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Debt counseling and keeping a budget
Classes to upgrade computer skills
Preparing a resume or conducting a job search

Question Title

* 7. Community Education

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Parenting newborns
English as a second language
Building a strong marriage
Communication and conflict resolution
Getting involved in community service
Principles of effective parenting
Becoming a foster parent
Healthy nutrition
CPR Training
Court Appointed Special Advocate Training

Question Title

* 8. Community Counseling

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Problems at work
Parent/child issues
Financial problems
Depression, worry and fear
Abuse and/or anger management
Alcohol and substance abuse

Question Title

* 9. Community Enrichment

  High Importance Important Some Importance Not Important Don't Know
Summer music lessons for area youth
Summer drama program and art classes
Classes on civility, public discourse, and community relations