KSP's Romance Novel Writers

Please complete this short survey regarding KSP's new writing group.
1.What is the romance genre of your current work in progress?
2.What is the romance sub-genre of your current work in progress?
3.Does your work contain adult content?
4.Are you willing to read and give feedback to adult content such as erotica or work with trigger warnings?
5.Tell us a little about your work in progress. No need to give spoilers or a plot synopses, just one or two sentences that give the basic theme of your work.
6.Are you willing to join a WhatsApp or Messenger group?
7.What is the main thing you are looking to get out of the group? Is it Community? Feedback? Accountability? A chance to write uninterrupted?
8.Are you willing to dedicate time each fortnight to reviewing and giving feedback to others work?
9.Any thoughts or comments regarding to group?
10.What is the best email to contact you on?