Downtown Events

1.What is your primary businesses type?
2.Based on customer feedback and/or your own opinion, do you think that the Halloween and Winter seasonal displays add interest / intrinsic value to our downtown and elevate the downtown visitor experience?
3.Did your business experience a boost in foot traffic during any of the following downtown events?         
Choose all that apply.
4.Did your business experience a boost in sales during any of the following events or promotions?
Choose all that apply.
5.Did your business actively participate in any of the following?
Choose all that apply.
6.The BIA tries to design its programming to make it as easy as possible for businesses to participate. How easy or challenging do you find it to participate in BIA events?
7.What do you value most when considering participating in Downtown events and promotions?
Choose all that apply.
8.If you receive feedback or comments from customers/guests during downtown events, what is the general nature of this feedback?
9.What is your favourite promotion to participate in?
Leave blank if you have never participated in these promotions.
10.What is your favourite downtown event to attend with friends or family?
Leave blank if you have never attended/experienced any of these events.