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Please complete the following survey to indicate how you would like to participate. 

Question Title

* 1. Your Information

Question Title

* 2. Please select the all the ways you are interested in supporting this event:

Question Title

* 3. We are looking for supplier donors to provide beverages, small bites, and desserts for the event.  Donors would have the opportunity to be onsite at a black table-clothed station serving their elevated small plate or dessert.  Would you be interested in providing:

Question Title

* 4. Would you like to donate 500 items for our in-person event goody bag? These items would be sent by your team to our location in Austin to be bagged with other donor goodies and then distributed to Party With A Purpose in-person event attendees. We are looking for a non-perishable product, free item coupon, non-wearable special swag item, or gift cards and are open to other ideas.  Please no liquid, glass, or items that will easily break or melt in the Austin heat. 

Question Title

* 5. Additional comments or questions?

Thank you for completing this survey! 
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