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A Vision of Love, Leadership and Sustainable Equity for Organizations

Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Greater Chicago is a community-based organization focused on creating the conditions for transformational and sustainable change, while addressing the historical and contemporary effects of racism. To support the transformation of organizations on their racial healing journey, adaptive leadership, and policy implementation, TRHT Greater Chicago will be launching the Truth, Healing and Equity (T.H.E.) Fellowship. T.H.E. Fellowship is envisioned as a leadership program for organizational teams (3-5 people) who participate in a 9-month cohort of organizations on the same journey. The cohort is designed to support and build the racial equity leadership capacity of organizational teams through a virtual learning community, equity curriculum modules, policy review and development, and organizational coaching and technical assistance resources to design and implement their racial healing and equity project/program. Please read the application instructions for more information.

NOTE: It is important that you answer the questions succinctly and transparently.

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* 1. Organization Name and Year Founded

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* 2. Who will serve as a direct contact?

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* 3. Website & Social Media

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* 4. 501(c)3 Number/Fiscal Agent Information

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* 5. CEO/Executive Director Name

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* 6. Board President/Chair

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* 7. Proposed participant names, title, and email (minimum of 3, maximum of 5)

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* 8. Organization’s mission and vision

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* 9. Provide a brief description (no more than four sentences) of how and by whom your organization was founded?

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* 10. From any of your latest grant submissions, marketing materials, or social media posts, how do you describe the people and community you serve?

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* 11. Is racial equity a strategic priority within your organization?

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* 12. If yes, how is it detailed in your strategic plan? If no, how do you envision prioritizing racial equity?

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* 13. Is your Board having conversations about racism and racial equity? Who on your Board has been leading these conversations? What sparked these conversations and what are they doing about it?

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* 14. What have been your organization’s barriers to addressing racial equity?

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* 15. Describe how racism affects the community you serve.

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* 16. What was your organization's response to the disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic and the global reckoning with racism during 2020?

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* 17. What changes do you want to see within your organization at the completion of the Truth, Healing and Equity Fellowship?

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* 18. Has your organization attended racial equity training in the past? *
*Note: we are seeking information on racial equity specific training and not diversity and inclusion training. 

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* 19. If yes, which organization offered the training and what key learnings did you gain from the training and what additional learnings are you seeking from your participation in the Truth, Healing and Equity Fellowship?

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* 20. If no, what key learnings are you seeking as a Truth, Healing and Equity Fellowship cohort member?

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* 21. We require participants in the Truth, Healing and Equity Fellowship to be a Board member (committing to attending ½ of the sessions at a minimum), senior level staff member with decision-making power and a direct service staff member. Explain the extent to which you expect your organization will be able to commit to full participation, along with any supports you may put in place to enable your organization and Board member to fully participate.

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* 22. On a scale of 1-10, how aware is your Board about issues of discrimination, racism and segregation? (1=not aware at all, 10-aware and influencing internal and external racial equity policy)

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* 23. On a scale of 1-10, how aware is your staff about issues of discrimination, racism and segregation? (1=not aware at all, 10-aware and influencing internal and external racial equity policy)

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* 24. On a scale of 1-10, how aware is your organization as a whole (i.e., including volunteers, program participants, other stakeholders) about issues of discrimination, racism and segregation? (1=not aware at all, 10-aware and influencing internal and external racial equity policy)

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* 25. What practices and/or processes has your organization followed to address conflict or harm internally (between staff, senior leaders, and/or Board members) and externally (with the community your organization serves)? If there is no known practice or process, what has been the impact?

Please submit the following information as an email attachment to Noemí Cortés at
  • Current Board roster and racial makeup 
  • Staff roster (all staff) and racial makeup
  • Short bio (150 words or less) of each participant

Upon receipt of your application, Zipporah Sanders will reach out to schedule time with you and a representative(s) of your Board.

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