The Museum’s Galleries were closed from March 13 to August 12.  We urge every Member to consider converting the missed months of membership, or a portion thereof, into a donation to the Museum. Members will also have the option to extend their membership. Please let us know your preference by September 15 using this form.  If we do not hear from you by September 15, your missed months of the membership will be considered a donation to the museum and the original expiration date will be upheld.

To strengthen KidsPlay's resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic challenges, we urge every Member to consider converting the missed months of membership, or a portion thereof, into a donation to the Museum. This donation will help ensure that the Museum has the necessary funds to operate with a substantially reduced capacity to promote physical distancing and with increased cleaning and sanitization protocols. 

We also recognize and share the challenges and uncertainties our members are facing and understand if the extension of your membership benefits is the best choice for your family.

Question Title

* 1. Chose from the following options to extend my KidsPlay Membership:

Question Title

* 2. I would like to donate a portion of my unused Membership Benefits to KidsPlay. Donations must be made in whole month increments, please indicate below how much of your Membership you would like to donate.

We will extend your membership for the balance of the time you did not chose to convert to a donation.

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* 3. Please provide the name, address, email and phone number on the membership you are extending or donating from. We will use this information to send a tax receipt or send updated cards.