Ranganna Gaeilge/Irish Language Classes

Spriocdháta d'iarratais 20/09/23
Molann muid daoibh bhur n-iarratais a chur chugainn chomh luath agus is féidir. Braitheann na ranganna ar éileamh. Gheobhaidh tú ríomhphost roimh/ar an 20/09/23  maidir le híocaíocht.
Deimhnítear spásanna sna ranganna nuair a íocfar an táille. Táille €120 do 10 seachtainí - is é 25/09 ag 17.00 an spriocdháta leis an táille a íoc
Closing date for application 20/9/23
We advise early booking to avoid disappointment. Classes are subject to demand.
You will receive an email by 20/9 with a payment information. The fee will be €120 for 10 weeks and the fee must be paid in full by 17.00 on 25/09/23.

Tá Coiste Pleanála Teanga Ghaeltacht na Mí ag bronnadh 10 scoláireacht do chúrsaí Gaeilge ar dhaoine a bhfuil cónaí orthu/ag obair i nGaeltacht Ráth Chairn nó Baile Ghib. Tá na
scoláireachtaí seo dírithe ar dhaoine a bhfuil páistí óga acu sa bhaile, nó ar dhaoine atá ag obair le páistí óga, ar mhaith leo feabhas a chur ar a gcuid Gaeilge. Spriocdháta 20/9/23. Léirigh suim trí 'ba mhaith' a fhreagairt ar an cheist dheireanach.

The Meath Gaeltacht Language Planning Committee are awarding 10 scholarships for Irish Language courses to people who are currently living/working in the Gaeltacht areas of Ráth Chairn and Baile Ghib. Apply by answering 'yes ' to the last question. These scholarships are specifically for people who have young children, or those who are working with young children, and would like to improve their language skills, or learn Irish.

Question Title

* 1. Ainm/Name

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* 2. Seoladh ríomhphoist/Email address

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* 3. Uimhir Fón / Phone Number

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* 4. Seoladh/Address

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* 5. Déan cur síos ar an mhéid Gaeilge atá agat?/How would you describe your level of Irish?

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* 6. Cén leibheáil ranga a bheadh uait? What level would you be interested in?

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* 7. Déanfaidh muid d'iarratas a phróiseáil agus gheobhaidh tú scéal tríd ríomhphost roimh/ar an 20/09/23 go bhfuil áit faighte agat agus tiocfaidh eolas faoi íocaíocht ó cursaiccrc@gmail.com. Déan cinnte go bhfuil an seoladh ríomhphoist a thug tú dúinn cruinn.
We will process your application and get back to you by/on the 20/09/23 to let you know if you have secured a place on your desired course. You will also receive payment details regarding the course fee from cursaiccrc@gmail.com . Please ensure that the email address that you have provided us with is correct.

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* 8. Aon eolas eile maidir le d'iarratas/Any other information regarding your application.

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* 9. An bhfuil cónaí ort i nGaeltacht na Mí (Baile Ghib/Ráth Chairn) nó sna ceantair mháguaird? Do you live in the Meath Gaeltacht, or in the surrounding areas?

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* 10. Ar mhaith leat a bheith curtha san áireamh do scoláireachtaí Choiste Pleanála Teanga Ghaeltacht na Mí?(Déanfar teagmháil leat le cinntiú go gcomhlíonann tú an critéir. Déanfar aisíoc iomlán ar an táille ag deireadh an chúrsa do 10 seachtaine)
Would you like to be considered for the Language Planning scholarships to cover the cost of this course?(You'll be contacted to ensure you fit the criteria. Course fee will be reimbursed when the course of 10 weeks is completed)