1. Participant Information sheet

I would like to invite you to take part in a research study that looks at fear of crime and perceived risk of crime. Before you decide if you would like to take part in the study please read all the information provided to inform you of the aim of the study and what will be involved. Feel free to ask any questions you may have at any time and if you choose to take part you can withdraw at any time during the study.
What is the study researching?

This study is looking at the relationship between how people perceive their risk of becoming a victim of crime and how this influences their fear of crime. The aim of the study is to see the relationship between fear of crime and the perceived risk of crime. This study is not collecting accounts of being a victim of crime or any criminal offenses.
Why have I been invited?

You have been invited because you live, work or attend university in Worcester and are hopefully willing to participate in this study. We are looking to recruit 100 participants for this study.
What do I need to do to take part?

All that is required for you to do is to read this information sheet, sign a consent form and fill in a short questionnaire that consists of two parts and is multiple-choice. After that you will be given contact information for if you wish to contact the researcher with questions or if you wish to withdraw.
Are there any risks?

The study will have gained full ethical approval from the University of Worcester ethics board and will also adhere to the British Psychological Society code of ethics.

The topics covered in the questionnaire relate to your perceived risk of crime and this will make you think about crime in your local area. The second section involves scoring your fear of crime and again will involve you thinking about crime in your local area.

If either of these topics is likely to cause you distress or make you uncomfortable then you may wish to not take part in this study and we thank you for your time up to this point. If however you feel you will be comfortable about exploring these topics then please continue to participate.
Who is organising the research?

This research is for an independent study project for my third year module and this research has been approved by the University of Worcester Institute of Health Ethics Committee.
What will happen to the results and will my data stay confidential?

Everything you say/report is confidential unless you tell us something that indicates that you or someone else is at risk of harm. We would discuss this with you before telling anyone else. The information you give may be used for a research report, but it will not be possible to identify you from our research report or any other dissemination activities. Personal identifiable information on any consent forms will be securely stored and kept for up to 30 days after the project ends in May 2015 and then securely disposed of. The research data consisting of the questionnaire will be securely stored and may be used for further research purposes.
What will happen next?

If you agree to take part you will be given a consent form to sign on the next page to show you have given your full informed consent to take part and then you will be given the questionnaire to complete.
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20% of survey complete.