Registration Survey

Please complete this survey to register for Training for Activist Trainers, 27-30 April 2017. Registration deadline: Wednesday 12 April.
Your feedback will feed into our design of the workshop, so we can make the training as relevant to your needs as possible.
If you have any queries get in touch with Ngaire Sidhu on 0424617359 or

Question Title

* 1. What experience have you had training and/or facilitating groups? Please let us know topics, length of sessions, size of group, and the kinds of participants you've worked with.

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* 2. What is your connection to activism? This could be paid or voluntary work, campaign involvement, etc.

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* 3. Please rate your confidence/competence with the following aspects of training:

  1 Not at all confident 2 3 OK 4 5 Very confident
Speaking in front of the group
Covering all the content - meeting the workshop objectives
Setting up small group discussion
Facilitating large group discussion
Running role-plays
Debriefing role-plays and other activities
Managing time
Making changes to the programme in response to group needs
Encouraging quiet people to contribute more
Encouraging talkative people to contribute less
Responding to strong emotion in the group (anger, upset, conflict)
Responding to ‘difficult/disruptive’ participants
Designing workshops
Working with cofacilitators

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* 4. What would you like to get out of this workshop? What would be most useful for your work or activism?

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* 5. Can you attend the whole workshop? (Thursday 4pm-7:30pm; Friday 9am-7pm; Saturday 9am-7pm; Sunday 9am-5pm)

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* 6. Is there anything else you would like to add, or ask the facilitator? Please include any accessibility issues we should be aware of.

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* 7. Fees
Fees are on a sliding scale of $400-$1200 per person for the full workshop ie $400 for low income/unfunded organisations; $800 for average waged/medium sized organisations; $1200 for well waged/larger organisations with a solid financial base.
We will issue an invoice for your fee or be in touch to discuss options.

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* 8. Food
Please let us know your food needs (tick as many as apply).

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* 9. Please let us know your contact info for follow up.

Thanks for your input! We'll be in touch to confirm your registration soon.