The Future Ancient public art team is made of local Asian, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander (NHPI) and other POC creatives and cultural workers in the greater Seattle area who are dedicated to their cultural futures and our collective liberation.
The purpose of this survey and artist roster is to:
-Create economic empowerment for POC creatives through an Artist Roster created by and for local POC creatives and cultural workers.
-Provide professional development and networking opportunities for local POC creatives and cultural workers
-Building power and numerical self-awareness for Asian & NHPI creatives and cultural workers.
We will do this through our survey, which will result in two products—a Findings Report and an Artist Roster for hire that will be spread out to those who took the survey, local community groups and institutions. Demographic information will help break down the monolith under "API" and its various social categories to help be more aware and support cultural groups in a way that more accurately reflects their reality. In addition, we will host a professional development training for those who took the survey, as well as networking opportunities, and a continued relationship supporting the artists and cultural workers. Based on our findings, we plan to have transformative conversations about our demographic as a whole and the relationship we have to the cultural institutions. We will not share or disclose any individual information with anyone outside of our public art team of POC creatives and cultural workers.
Your personal information will not be shared. All questions are optional. If you prefer not to state, please leave the question blank.
This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.