Informed Consent

Question Title

* Dear Participant,

This research project is conducted by Sandra Artar, MA student in Istanbul Bilgi University, and supervised by Assistant Prof. Ümit Akırmak. The purpose of this study is to examine  the relationship between mother’s attachment style and her breastfeeding experiences.

You will be asked to to complete some surveys. All of your information and responses will be kept confidential. In any publication based on the findings of this study, the data presented will contain no identifying information. Your answers will only be used for scientific purposes. Your information will not be shared with anyone or by commercial purposes.

Please note that your participation is voluntary and you may decide to leave the study at any time without giving any explanations. You may also refuse to answer specific questions you feel uncomfortable with. Your information obtained from surveys, will be kept in a locked drawer and a locked computer, only accessible by the researcher. Your responses will only be evaluated by the researcher and the research supervisor.

Please contact Sandra Artar, MA student in Istanbul Bilgi University (e-mail:, or Ümit Akırmak (e-mail: for further information and questions.

I confirm that I have freely agreed to participate in the research project of Sandra Artar. I have been briefed on what this research involves and I agree to the use of the findings as described above.