
Transportation planning affects all of us, influencing the roads that are repaired and built, the systems and services that are implemented, and even the goods and businesses that come into the area. That’s why we, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the tri-county region, create plans and programs like the short-range, project-based Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the long-range, vision-based Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).

Our engagement with stakeholders like you is critical to minimize conflicts with other agencies’ plans, projects, programs, or policies and to consider input from potentially impacted groups as we look to develop meaningful transportation priorities, goals, and specific infrastructure and mobility projects for the region.

As a stakeholder representing an agency/industry that may have an interest in the outcome of transportation decisions in our region, we would like to invite you to complete this brief 3-minute, anonymous survey about the process we use to engage you throughout the development of these two documents. Your feedback will be used to help us refine our draft Stakeholder Engagement Process and allow us to better understand the needs and input of your organization.

Thank you for your time and interest in collaborating with our agency!