Could You Start Your Own Agency? Take The B&T Quiz! Question Title * 1. Have you ever thought about starting your own agency or quitting to go it alone? It’s never crossed my mind It’s crossed my mind but I don’t have the confidence/money/skill to do it Yes, but now’s not the right time Working on a concrete plan as we speak Question Title * 2. Looking at past colleagues who have started their own agencies, how did they fare? Raging success Plodding along but never became a raging success Total failure They lost their house in the process Question Title * 3. What would your agency specialise in if you went out on your own? Strategy/planning Media buying Creative Marketing/shopper marketing Digital Experiential Video/content Programmatic PR Other Question Title * 4. Is now a good time to be a small independent agency? No time like the present You’d want the economy to improve The multinationals have it stitched up Have no idea Question Title * 5. Would you go it alone or with other industry buddies? Alone No, smaller agencies need more than one brain to succeed Undecided Question Title * 6. Do you think anyone can start an agency? For sure, why not No, you also need good business/management skills as well I think a lot of people think they can, but that’s why so many smaller start-ups fail It’s got as much chance as success or failure as anybody else Question Title * 7. How would your current employer react if you left to start a competing agency? Go with their blessing They’d shit themselves I’d take all their clients They’d kill me I doubt they’d care less Question Title * 8. What do you believe is the biggest challenge for start-up independents? Finding clients who want to make the switch Finding good staff The high initial costs – rents, salaries, computers, servers etc Having no reputation in the marketplace Other Question Title * 9. Why do you think clients are attracted to smaller independents? They’re cheaper You get the agency’s best people on the work Can turn things around work quicker Try harder as they need the work Get to talk to senior people throughout the job Question Title * 10. Why do you think some clients won’t work with smaller independents? Reputation They believe they’ll get better work at the multinationals They think their campaigns will win more awards with the multinationals They want all the backend support they get from a multinational Done