
Thank you for your interest in applying to be a volunteer on a Compass team. This is waitlist application as our projects have already kicked off. Sometimes we find we need additional volunteers on teams and will pull from this waitlist. We have an exciting group of nonprofit clients this year. Brief descriptions of the projects can be found here on our website. Please read this section carefully before completing the application. 

Compass seeks professionals with expertise in management and strategy consulting as well as a wide variety of functional areas such as finance, technology, HR and organizational design, marketing, communications, fundraising, and law, as well as individuals with board and nonprofit experience. First time Compass applicants must upload a resume later in the application. 

Project Leader 
Project Leaders should have management consulting experience or significant business experience and/or an MBA or similar advanced degree. Project Leaders can expect to commit 4-6 hours/week from late January through May 2023 leading a team of 4-5 other volunteers. 

Team Member 
Team Members must have at least one year of post-undergraduate professional experience and may not be current graduate students. Team Members should expect to commit 3 hours/week (including team meetings) from late January through May 2023.
We are looking for enthusiastic and empathetic business professionals who are prepared to partner with nonprofits as they continue to navigate these challenging times. Each team will decide when to hold regular team meetings and will need to determine what works best for them at the outset of the project. It's critical that volunteers enjoy team-based work, have the availability to attend regular team meetings, and are fully prepared to meet the engagement expectations outlined above. Volunteering with Compass is a commitment. Your team, client, and Compass will be counting on you to show up and contribute for the duration of the project.

The Compass program will be hybrid this year. From our experiences over the past two years, we know that Compass can work well virtually, but we also know the experience is greatly enhanced by in person touch-points. This year, all Compass trainings will be provided live over Zoom, and we will hold some social and networking events in person. Volunteers can expect that most team meetings will be conducted virtually, after work hours on weekdays. However, we strongly encourage teams to visit client sites and occasionally gather in person in accordance with public health guidelines and individual circumstances.
Again, thank you for your interest in Compass and serving our nonprofit clients. If you have any questions about your qualifications or the selection process, please contact:

Lisa Gaffney
Twin Cities Program Manager
Compass Twin Cities