Tortoise 2017 Knowledge Base update survey

soliciting member input into priorities for updating the knowledge base for 2017

Question Title

* 1. I will be updating/clarifying/writing info papers/presentations about the Tortoise methods. What 5 processes,systems or concepts would benefit you the most?

Please note: I already have the following on my list to do, no need to repeat them:
(Owl, Baby Dragon, 2nd generation RLCO, P1F, chain trading, Hybrid frog, Z3PO, Z3PC technique, RLFF)

Question Title

* 2. You can download the Tortoise methods Glossary from Which terms need better explanations or need to be added?

Please note: I already have the following on my list to do, no need to repeat them:
(Owl, Baby Dragon, 2nd generation RLCO, P1F, chain trading, Hybrid frog, Z3PO, Z3PC technique, RLFF)

Question Title

* 3. Please let me know your name and email (I will guard your privacy; this allows me to follow up for clarity and to maintain the coupon list)

Question Title

* 4. Thanks for taking the time and helping me stay focused on your developmental needs. Use "Survey2017" keyword  for a $100 gift certificate for any future product or service.


PS: please add any additional thoughts/comments in the box below