I R I S - Rough Cut feedback

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* 1. How would you rate the film as a whole?

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* 2. How would you rate each element of the movie?

  Didn't like Was mediocre Was ok Was good Was great
The casting team
Eric (the manager)
The women at the park
The fundraiser chairperson (Carey)
The Private Investigator
The drug dealer
The other Iris at the end of the movie
The story/idea
The look of the movie
The pacing
The length of the movie
The beginning
The middle
The end
Character development
The mystery
The music
The sound effects

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* 3. Was there a scene(s) that was your favorite?

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* 4. What, if anything, did you find confusing?

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* 5. What was your feeling about the way the movie ended?

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* 6. If you felt the movie moved too slowly, what parts stand out as moving too slow?

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* 7. How would you describe the movie to others?

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* 8. Your sex

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* 9. Your age range

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* 10. What kind of movie do you typically like to watch?