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Tompkins Chamber & Downtown Ithaca Alliance Testing Survey

As college students return to our community and we continue to navigate this pandemic environment over the long term, the Chamber and DIA are seeking to understand the COVID-19 testing needs for our local business community. We have been discussing options for workforce surveillance testing with Cayuga Medical Center (CMC), and need a better understanding of how testing may or may not affect your operation, and what you and your employees may need access to in the days and months ahead.

Please take this survey only once, if you receive it multiple times.

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* 1. Is your business:

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* 2. Please indicate your business or industry category:

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* 3. As of today, please estimate the number of your Ithaca/Tompkins based employees who are:

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* 4. To date, has your business or organization required any of your employees to obtain diagnostic COVID-19 testing?

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* 5. If yes, how many employees and how often?

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* 6. For "Essential Businesses/Workers only": Sometime soon, free testing for essential workers will likely be eliminated, and many insurers are no longer covering testing without symptoms or a known exposure. Will this specific change impact your need to provide testing for your essential employees?

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* 7. If YES, and you/your employees will still need regular access to testing, how many essential employees would require testing?

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* 8. If your essential employees need testing, how often would you/your employees seek testing?

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* 9. If you're NOT considered an Essential Business/Employer, do you think that your employees would feel safer and more comfortable in your workplace if they had access to periodic diagnostic testing?

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* 10. Are you planning for or have need for testing for your employees in the coming months?

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* 11. If YES, how many employees?

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* 12. If YES, how often would you/your employees seek testing?

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* 13. Please add any other comments or thoughts about access to regular testing for your business or employees.

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* 14. Optional: Add your business name and your email address so we may contact you later.

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