Spring 2022 ESC Region XIII Cycle 10 Student Survey

It's time to tell us how you feel about ACE! Please read the questions below and then mark an answer. If you want us to know more, write a paragraph or make a list in the box at the very bottom.

Question Title

* 1. What school do you attend? Click on circle to make a check mark next to your school.

Question Title

* 2. On a scale of 1 to 5, rate these questions with 1 the WORST and 5 being THE BEST!

  1. It's the Pits 2. Not Rocking It 3. Just OK 4. It Rocks 5. Super Awesome
1. The help I receive in completing my homework.
2. The variety of enrichment activities offered in the ACE program.
3. The variety of academic activities offered in the ACE program.
4. The class sizes in the ACE program.
5. The special help given to me in the ACE program.
6. The attention and care given by teachers.
7. My chance to meet adults from the community.
8. My chance to make new friends.
9. The chance to be in a safe place after school.

Question Title

* 3. On a scale of 1 to 5, rate these questions with 1 the WORST and 5 being THE BEST!

10. I feel that I am successful in the ACE program.
11. I look forward every day to attending ACE.
12. I feel a part of the ACE program.
13. The ACE program has helped me to enjoy learning.
14. My behavior in regular school has been better since I started attending the ACE program.
15. My grades in regular school have been better since I started attending the ACE program.
16. My attendance in regular school has been better since I started attending the ACE program.
17. Most of my experiences in the ACE program have been good.
18. I always learn new things in the ACE program.
19. Because of the ACE program, I enjoy going to school.
20. I look forward to participating in the ACE program in the future.

Question Title

* 4. Other things I want to tell you: