
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics House of Delegates (HOD) has a volunteer opportunity for members to act as scribes during HOD virtual meetings. Please see the link for more information about the House of Delegates.

Interested Members should:
  • Be an active member or student of the Academy
  • Be reliable and punctual
  • Be able to synthesize information and type the information in an online workbook, capturing key concepts and paraphrasing ideas
  • Be comfortable verbally communicating with our leaders as they may be asked to recap discussions
  • Be adept in technology, including Zoom and document editing programs (such as Google docs)
  • Be available for scribe training during the week before the meeting (training will also be recorded)
If you are interested, please fill out the survey. We will let you know as soon as possible if you have been selected to serve as a scribe. Please email if you have any questions.