Board Match Washington DC 2018 - Nonprofit Results


As part of participating in the the Board Match Washington, D.C., on May 24th, 2018, at the Washington Convention Center, you agreed to provide information about your organization's results. This survey is designed to learn about your specific outcomes from Board Match, and will take less than 2 minutes to complete.

If you intend to participate in the Board Match 2019, your survey response is required at the time of your application. The application is open now and you will find information and a link to the application on the Board Match website.

Thank you for participating and tracking your results!

Please Note: Many of the questions refer to "you." In most cases the question is asking for the collective results of the organization and all representatives who participated in the Board Match. Only one response per organization is necessary.

Question Title

* 1. Organization Name:

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* 2. Your First Name:

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* 3. Your Last Name:

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* 4. Your Title/Role:

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* 5. How many total candidates have joined your board as a result of participating in the Board Match 2018? (please provide a numeric value)

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* 6. Please list them:

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* 7. Is the Board Match included in your ongoing board development plan?

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* 8. What other outcomes have you experienced as a result of your participation in the Board Match? E.g., new committee members, advisory board/council members, skilled volunteers, donors/supporters, increased visibility etc. Check all that apply.

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* 9. What else? We'd like to share your experience with the public. Any further comments we can include in telling the story about the Board Match?