Lake County’s SSBF is a collaborative program of multiple organizations that work together to supports children and their families.

A representative from SSBF will be able to provide information on two of the program's other pillars that might be of interest to your family: the Eligibility Wizard and the Family Resource Navigator (more information is provided below). Both of these programs serve families who are expecting a child (i.e. are pregnant) or that include children under six.

Please use this survey to sign-up to learn more about one or both of these programs. If you are not able to meet with the representative in-person during one of the available days or times, please note other times you are available, and we will do our best to schedule an in-person or virtual connection with you. 

Eligibility Wizard
Lake County's First 5 developed a free online tool helps parents and caregivers of children under the age of six identify a list of services and programs that their children are likely eligible for in Lake County and helps connect parents with the services they're interested in.

Smart Start Resource Navigator
Lake FRC's Courtney Parker-High serves as the SSBF Family Resource Navigator and helps families with children up to the age of five navigate through the many supports and resources that are available in Lake County. 

Question Title

* 1. Do you have a child under the age of six in your household or is someone in your household pregnant?