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* 1. What is your first and last name?

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* 2. What is your email? (Please double check for accuracy.)

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* 3. What is your phone number with area code? If outside the United States please provide your Skype ID or WhatsApp, if you have them.

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* 4. Describe your business as it is right now? What is working and what isn't working? For the things you feel aren't working, what is your guess as to why that is? (There are no right or wrong answers ;).)

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* 5. How do you currently market your business?

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* 6. Where do you want your business to be in 12 months? Feel free to indulge in the detail of it in present tense, without being concerned about 'the how' for now.
How do you want to feel each day?
How much money you want to be making?
What is the lifestyle you'll be living?
What is the type of work you'll be doing?
What problem are you solving in the world?

Allow your imagination to open and expand into the possibilities. That's where it all begins!

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* 7. What do you perceive is your BIGGEST obstacle in taking your business to the next level/step?

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* 8. If you needed money to invest in your business, what would your situation be?

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* 9. This is not for those in serious financial hardship who are struggling to pay for their basic needs. 

From where you are today, are you ready?!!! :)

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like to share with us? Please feel free to openly comment in the box below. 

We will review your application and contact you with next steps! This includes a call together if it's a fit. Thank you so much, for sharing. We appreciate you!