KGB New World Faction Survey

Our server has died.  We need to make quick decisions.  Help us make decisions by providing your opinions about KGB New World's direction.

This survey is for KGB Members and Conscripts that are active in KGB New World.  This means you are playing the game at least 4 hours per week.

Question Title

* 1. With our current server all but dead how would you like us to move forward?

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* 2. If you answered Move to Another Server in the previous question, where would you like to go?  Please include your desired faction if you know which one.
Many of our former server peers went to Pluto in Arkadia Tau including Purple Dragons
You can see a list of servers here:

Question Title

* 3. What are your feelings on Faction

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* 4. Please enter your KGB handle / usernames you are known by

Question Title

* 5. What is your KGB Membership Status