The Crete Strategic Welcoming Committee is collecting feedback from community members to continue to be a Community in Motion. The Welcoming Committee’s mission is to support and foster a welcoming city for everyone who calls Crete home. 

A summary of the survey results may be shared with the public. The Welcoming Strategic Planning Committee members (which includes approximately a group of 20 community members, city employees, teachers, and school staff) will have access to the individual and collective survey results and will use the results to inform the strategic planning process.

Please refrain from including personally identifiable information (no names, no addresses, etc.) in your survey responses to ensure that the individual survey results are anonymous (meaning not identifiable by name or personally recognizable responses).

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate if you or your family ever participated in this activity (check all that apply).

  Yes  If no, didn't know about it If no, not interested in this activity If no, due to cost If no, work schedule conflict If no, family responsibilities If no, health reasons If no, no transportation If no, other
Pumpkin Festival
Crete Community World Cup
Community Garden
Library events
Parks and Rec's youth sports teams
Parks and Rec's adult sports teams
Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
Saline County 4-H

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate if you or your family ever benefited from this program or service (check all that apply).

  Yes  If no, didn't know about it If no, have no need for this program If no, not interested in this activity If no, due to cost If no, work schedule conflict If no, family responsibilities If no, health reasons If no, no transportation If no, other
Access to Interpreters
Adult Basic Education
Backpack Program
Blue Valley Community Action Partnership
Citizenship classes
Clothing assistance
Community Assistance Office
Computer/WiFi access in the library
Crete Cares
English Language Learning (ELL) classes
Food Bank offerings
GED Preparation
Public Health Solutions
Sports and activities assistance
Toys Under the Tree
Tutoring in school
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

Question Title

* 5. Do you feel like you are engaged, involved, and connected to the Crete community? Please refrain from including personally identifiable information (no names, no addresses, etc.)

Question Title

* 6. Considering your experience living in Crete, please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements:

  Disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Agree
I feel that Crete provides sufficient programs and resources to foster the success of a diverse community
I feel I belong in Crete
Crete has a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
I have considered moving away from Crete because I felt isolated or unwelcomed
I am treated with respect in Crete
Crete is a city where I am able to perform up to my full potential
I have found one or more communities or groups where I feel I belong in Crete
There is too much emphasis on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in Crete
I have to work harder than others to be valued equally in Crete

Question Title

* 7. While living in Crete, how often have you interacted in a meaningful way with people...

  Never Sometimes Often Very Often
...whose religious, secular, and spiritual identities are different than your own
...whose political opinions are different than your own
...who are immigrants or from an immigrant family
...who are of a different nationality than your own
...who are of a different race or ethnicity than your own
...whose gender is different than your own
...whose sexual orientation is different than your own
...who are from a different social class
...who have physical or other observable disabilities
...who have learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent

Question Title

* 8. Below is a list of terms describing various potential attributes of the Crete Community. How much do you agree or disagree that these attributes describe the Crete community?

  This attribute definitely describes the Crete community This attribute somewhat describes the Crete community This attribute somewhat does not describe the Crete community This attribute definitely does not describe the Crete community

Question Title

* 11. What are your preferred methods of receiving communication from city government/organizations? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. Do you currently have any children attending Crete Schools?