P-Stik Feedback- Health Care Professional

Maintaining Client/ Patient dignity throughout their health care experience is extremely important to us, along with ensuring we keep Health Care Professionals safe at work. We will use these responses in order to make sure that we are doing our due diligence in making your well-being our priority. Thank-you for taking the time to fill the survey. 

Disclaimer: Your responses will be used for marketing and research purposes. Thankyou. 

Question Title

* 1. What field of health care do you work in?

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* 2. What is the age demographic of the patient using P-stik?

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* 3. What is the biological sex of the patient using P-Stik?

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* 4. Was the patient using P-Stik pregnant?

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* 5. Did P-Stik save you time in obtaining your patient's urine sample?

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* 6. How much time did P-Stik save you approximately? 

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* 7. What lead you to use P-stik? Select all that apply.

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* 8. In using P-Stik, how was your experience in handling the product?

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* 9. How often would/do you use P-Stik?

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* 10. Is P-Stik more effective and easier-to-use compare to traditional methods of urine collection?

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* 11. P-Stik was safer than traditional methods of urine collection. 

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* 12. Overall, how would you evaluate P-Stik?

Question Title

* 13. Thankyou for filling out our survey. Please enter your name and email address/ phone number to enter to win a 100$ Keg Gift Card :)