We appreciate you taking some time for us today!

The Darwin International Film Festival (or DIFF), run by the Darwin Film Society (DFS), needs your feedback!

Each year we thrive to build on the previous one to deliver a high quality festival that matches best your needs and aspirations, so your input is invaluable!

This survey should take 5 to 20 minutes to complete (many questions are optional).

To thank you for taking the time to complete our survey, we'd like to offer you a chance to WIN one of our DFS prize packs (registration at the end of this survey)! This pack includes:

- FREE ENTRY for you and a guest to all movies in the next Flix In The Wet* program,
- a Flix in the Tropix book,
- Merch: a Deckchair Cinema* T-shirt and bumper sticker.

Winner announced Thursday 31 October 2019.

*Deckchair Cinema and Flix in the Wet are both also operated by the Darwin Film Society.

Okay, let's get started...
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14% of survey complete.