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* 1. Name

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* 2. Current Program or Division

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* 3. Tenure With 2020

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* 4. Manager Name

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* 5. Your Current Title

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* 6. Do you currently meet the below qualifications? If YES, you will be considered as a participant in VISION 2.0. If NO, you will be added to our Leadership Talent Network for future opportunities. 

1. Tenure over 6 months with 2020. 2. MBO performance in top 10%. 3. Recommended by your manager to apply. 4. No corrective action within the past 12 months. 5. Previously considered for elevated roles with 2020. 

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* 7. What are the current responsibilities associated with your role? (select all that apply)

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* 8. Which would BEST describe your personality?

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* 9. Have you previously held a leadership position at a different company?

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* 10. What gives you the most fulfillment in your job?

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* 11. From your perspective, what are the key differences between a manager and a leader?

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* 12. What are your primary professional strengths?

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* 13. What are the traits, skill sets, or competencies that you feel are needed to expand your role within the organization?

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* 14. Please describe any special interests or areas of improvement that may be helpful in matching you with a mentor.

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* 15. If selected, how can the VISION Leadership Development Program help you achieve your long term career goals?

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* 16. What expectations would you have of your fellow VISION participants and in return, what could they expect from you?

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* 17. What expectations would you have of your assigned Mentor and in return, what could they expect from you?

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* 18. Please provide the name of at least two 2020 Companies references that would recommend you for this leadership program.

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* 19. Why do you believe you are one of the top leaders at 2020, and should be selected for this program?