Thank you for your participation.

We’d like to have your input, which is valuable,  as we determine the School District-Identified Priorities for the upcoming school year. 

Please rank your top priorities as the most pressing needs, in response to the Co-Vid 19 pandemic, for LDPS students and schools.

For question #2, you may select each priority and rank according to importance, from your point of view.  

Question #3 will ask you to create another priority, that may not be listed on the LDPS' list of priorities. 

Question Title

* 1. What is your role in the school district community? 

Question Title

* 2. The following 3 items are priorities for the LDPS district, in responding to Co-Vid 19 pandemic for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year.
Please rate these priorities in order of importance, from your point of view.

  1st of Importance  2nd Importance 3rd Importance 
Facilities/Grounds/ School Appearance/Technology:internet/Chromebook access, building/ground conditions, sanitizing, professional development for sanitization, repairs/ improvements/updates in schools-heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems, boiler systems, etc.
Social/ Emotional Health of Students: such as on-site counseling, plans for increased follow-up counseling, online counseling, Cultural identity, Trauma-Informed practices in schools, extracurricular/outside activities, unaccompanied youth, displaced families, foster care, Parent outreach, etc. 
Educational Outreach: such as tutoring, graduation coach, afterschool programs to influence student involvement, Summer Learning, Remote/distance learning, Learning Loss from Pandemic, high-quality assessments,  etc. 

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* 3. Pease share any additional priorities you have for the upcoming school year, 2021-2022, that were not prioritized above. 

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* 4. Which school does your child attend?

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* 5. How concerned are you with your child returning to school? 

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* 6. What are your primary concerns for your child(ren) returning to school?

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* 7. How safe do you feel your child is at our school?