Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the NoW application process

Question Title

* 2. Based on your response to the preceding question, please indicate your level of satisfaction with different steps in the application process

  very satisfied satisfied neutral dissatisfied very dissatisfied
Online submission process
Tracking application status
Time elapsed between submission and issuance
Response to any inquiries

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the consistency on how the Mines Act and/or Regs were applied to determine the conditions of your permit (once received) as they pertained to your activities.

  very satisfied satisfied neutral dissatisfied very dissatisfied
Clarity of the permit (wording is understandable)
Conditions applied (appropriate for level of work)
Security Bond level (appropriate for level of work)
Duration of the permit (as requested)
Process for permit amendments (appropriate for proposed amendment)

Question Title

* 4. Have you ever experienced inconsistencies in the interpretation of the Mines Act and/or Regs either from within the same Regional office, or across Regional offices (where you had permits in more than one region)?

Question Title

* 5. If you answered "yes" to question 4, do you feel there is an adequate process in place for resolving challenges to the interpretation of the Mines Act and/or Regs?

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate your level of satisfaction in collaborating with each regional office that you have submitted NoW applications to/received permits from?

  very satisfied satisfied neutral dissatisfied very dissatisfied
Prince George