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* 1. It’s the month of love, which means everyone is buying for the significant other that yummy cholate heart, with half the cholates already eaten of course. How many boxes of chocolate though are sold for Valentine's Day?

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* 2. Speaking of chocolate, do you know which M&M color is thought to be an aphrodisiac and can be found sold in only this color in some stores around the world.

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* 3. Cupid is the Roman god of love, known to shoot his arrows into the hearts of those destined to fall in love, along with a killer diaper and some stellar wings. Who though was Cupid’s Father?

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* 4. Love is in the air, and with that comes a desire to give your loved one’s symbol of that love. What fruit though is known as the “love apple.”

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* 5. Star Trek may not be seen as the show to find love, but romance and love have been themes on several Star Trek episodes over the year. Which one of these four fine choices is your favorite Star Trek episode with a love-centered theme?