Rec Center Summary
The city of Britt and West Hancock CSD are in the initial planning stages of a recreational facility. First, we need to gauge district resident interest. The facility will be open to the public and may include a walking track, gym floors/courts, weight room, cardio room, turf area, wrestling room, offices, meeting rooms, locker rooms, etc. The estimated size of the facility would be approximately 30,000 to 90,000 square feet. The estimated project cost would be $5,000,000 to $10,000,000. The project could start with fundraising and a bond vote in 2025, construction 2026, and possible opening 2027. If the project does seem to have enough interest there would have to be a bond vote for the school, possibly the city and possibly both. A bond vote would need a 60% passing vote to move forward.
Survey closes December 15, 2024