Information for Survey Participants

Who is conducting the research?
This study is being conducted by researchers from the University of Tasmania; Professor Catherine Palmer (Head of School of Social Sciences), Dr Casey Mainsbridge (Lecturer, Faculty of Education), Dr Nicholas Hookway (Lecturer, School of Social Sciences), and Dr Anthea Vregundhil (Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences). This study is being funded by the University of Tasmania.

What is the purpose of this study?
To gain a better understanding of how and why people take part in the Masters Games so that we can establish how physical activity in later life can be extended to Tasmanians more broadly, particularly those who are inactive, to incorporate more physical activity into their lives.

Why have I been invited to participate in this study?
You are eligible to participate in this study because you have registered for participation in the 2017 Australian Masters Games, and you are aged 18 or above. We are interested in speaking to all types of participants – first timers, elite athletes, beginners and experienced, from a range of sports, men and women – so that a range of views are included in this research.

What does this study involve?
Your participation in this project will involve completing one survey (10-12 minutes long). You will be asked questions about yourself (e.g. your age, postcode, education, employment), about your Master’s Games participation (e.g. reasons for participating), and your other involvement in sport in general.

Do I have to participate?
Your involvement in this study is voluntary. While we would be pleased to have you participate, we respect your right to decline. There will be no consequences to you if you decide not to participate, and this will not affect your registration in the Australian Masters Games.
How will my privacy be protected?
Data from individuals will not be shared with any other party. Summary reports, academic manuscripts and conference presentations will present findings from all participants combined, meaning you will not be able to be identified. If you decide to discontinue participation in this project at any time, you may do so without providing an explanation. All research data will be kept in password protected computer files behind institutional firewalls

Are there any possible benefits from participation in this study?
While you will receive no direct benefit, you will be providing us with important information that we can use to help others lead healthy, active lifestyles. By completing the survey you go in the draw to win one of five $100 gift vouchers. Those who participate in the interview part of the project will be given a digital camera valued at $110 to keep.

Are there any possible risks from participation in this study?
There are no risks anticipated with participation in this study. 

What if I have questions about this research?
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this study please feel free to contact Professor Catherine Palmer on (03) 6226 2329 or

This study has been approved by the Tasmanian Social Science Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have concerns or complaints about about the conduct of this study you should contact the Executive Offcer of the HREC (Tasmania) Network on (03) 6226 479 or email The Executive Officer is the person nominated to receive complaints from research participants. You will need to quote HREC project number H0016891