We’d like to get your perspectives in continually improving our research endeavors. Please click here to share your responses for a four-question anonymous survey. We appreciate your time and insights.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us what matters most to you. Which of the following themes are most relevant to your school or program? If you had to rank order your use of the following GMAC topical reports, how would they fall? Please rank order your preferences from least relevant (1) to most relevant (5).

Question Title

* 2. Which organization is your go-to resource for graduate management education information and research, and for which theme?

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* 3. Tell us how you access GMAC Research; which of the following top-2 sources do you leverage to access our information? Select two.

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* 4. If GMAC were to add one additional theme of research, what should it be?

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* 5. Which of the following closely reflects your current role/title?