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Welcome to the first LGBTQ+ Boardroom Barometer!

What is the experience of LGBTQ+ people in corporate boardrooms? What is the experience of LGBTQ+ candidates searching for seats? How are LGBTQ+ Directors perceived by Governance stakeholders?

This survey explores the personal and professional experience of LGBTQ+ senior executives on boards, looking to join boards, and of the recruiters, corporate secretaries, and members of nom/gov committees. 

Data is essential in monitoring progress in boardroom representation and how we can improve it. This is the objective of our first LGBTQ+ Board Representation Barometer. 

As you go through this survey, please respond as straightforwardly as possible. The survey is anonymous and completely confidential, so you can feel confident sharing your honest and authentic feedback. The survey contains a dozen questions and should take 10 minutes to complete. It will close on March 15, 2023.

We look forward to presenting the results of this survey to you in April.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email us at Please share it with your network.

Again, thank you for your time. Your input is critical to helping us better understand the challenges and opportunities of LGBTQ+ corporate representation.

Question Title

* 1. Are you …
(please only select one)