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* 1. We know that you need information tailored to your specific needs. Please share the types of data and information that would be most useful for you. Please rank the choices below with 1 as your most preferred choice. 

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* 2. Any other data or information you would like us to share?

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* 3. As part of our plans, we made a commitment to increase the number of district representatives actively involved in community initiatives. Please tell us which programs/initiatives and events or organizations you are involved in which could benefit from our input and engagement?

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* 4. We rely on market data and advisory committees to tell us about the needs of our community and stakeholders. What other ways could we engage you to ensure that our students are work ready?

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* 5. How would you prefer to receive information about the Alamo Colleges District? Please rank the choices below with 1 as your most preferred choice.

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* 6. Any not listed above?

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* 7. This survey lists some of the commitments we have made to increase communication with businesses and local community organizations.
Please share any other opportunities.

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* 8. Please share your contact information if you would like to further collaborate with the Alamo Colleges District on this topic.