Swiss Cheese Survey - Find the Holes in Your Business Profitability 

Score Your Business on Hey Taxi's  4 Pillars of Profitability

This survey will help you find your priority "holes" that need to be addressed in your business to ultimately increase your bottom line.  Dawn and Jill, the Hey Taxi Founders, have identified 4 Pillars for Business Profitability - Make More, Keep More, Access More and Believe More - and created this survey to clarify for you the priority gaps that you need to address in your business.    
1.What is your name?
2.Please enter your email so we can share your survey results!
3.Describe your current business - name, products or services, how long you have been in business. Include your website ,social media, etc.
4.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high) Please rate yourself:  Do You "Know Your Numbers" and manage your business expenses and revenue streams to maximize your profits?
5.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself:  I have a fully defined and flexible Business Plan (from core values to ideal client to marketing to financials) and I review and update it on a regular basis
6.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: My marketing plan is focused to share my solution for my target market’s problems, and consistently attracts ideal potential clients each week.
7.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: I have a solid business foundation that includes the best structure for my business (LLC, C Corp, etc.), a professional online presence that makes me proud, smart tax strategies that save me money each year, and current relevant business specific with an action plan to meet them.
8.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: I have the network, connections, and know-how to raise my profile on social media, podcasts, online and in person events that attract my ideal clients.
9.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself:  I conduct regular (at least quarterly) expense and income audits for my business and outline updated financial goals and the activities required to achieve them.
10.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself:  I have identified and am using trusted mentors, experts and resources for all my business needs.
11.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: I have a one-stop-shop where I can access the business tools, training and templates required to help me take consistent action in all areas of my business to grow and scale.
12.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: I belong to or have found a supportive community of mission-driven female entrepreneurs who share my same values of commitment, integrity and making an impact with my business.
13.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: I believe in myself and my limitless potential for achievement of financial and time freedom.
14.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself: I am clear on my own "zone of genius" and am able to focus on that area of my business and have outsourced the other necessary/important areas to grow and scale my business.
15.On a scale of 1-10 (10= high), Please rate yourself:  I am the Empowered CEO of my business?
Current Progress,
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