SwimFit is a DKHAC designed 6 week swim program for members wanting a little inspiration to get in the water and follow a structured and coached 'swim set'. Suitable for all swimming abilities.

The sessions are planned to be operating on Monday morning and Wednesday evening in 2023.

The program fee is $120.00 for the 6 weeks. There are two sessions available per week, 12 sessions in total. How many sessions you attend is up to you!

For more information check out our SwimFit webpage: https://www.hobartaquaticcentre.com.au/Aqua-Swim/SwimFit

This form is to record your interest in the program for 2023. We will let you know directly by email if you have been successful in gaining a position in the program.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. DKHAC Membership Number (if known):

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* 3. As these sessions run in the pool, are there any health / medical / fitness issues we need to be aware that might be relevant?

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* 4. Do you have a current concession card ?

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* 5. If you are successful, we will send you instructions on how to confirm your booking and pay the fee at the Customer Service desk at the entry to the Centre.