Collaborating with community partners (e.g. sexual assault crisis centers, service providers, etc.)
Collaborating with campus partners (e.g. residency halls, athletics, Greek organizations, etc.)
Media campaigns
Evidence based and best practices for sexual violence prevention on campuses
Bystander intervention programs
Social media campaigns
Preventing perpetration against people disproportionately affected (e.g. LGBTQ, student of color, students with disabilities, etc.)
Sexual Assault prevention
Using research on risk factors to prevent perpetration
Drug and alcohol policy approaches to prevention
Faculty engagement in prevention programming
Staff engagement in prevention programming
Dating Violence prevention
Sexual Harassment prevention
Relationship Violence prevention
Peer education programs
Engaging athletics in prevention
Campus organizational policy approaches to prevention
Engaging men in prevention
Stalking prevention
Engaging students in prevention
Peer engagement in prevention programming
Working with student organizations
Preventing perpetration against males