
Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey. We are part of a group working to pull together a Summit to prevent campus sexual assault, stalking, harassment, and dating violence. Your input will help us as we plan the content for the Summit.

Question Title

* 1. How interested would you be in attending a summit to share best practices and experiences to create a sense of shared community and commitment to effective prevention of sexual violence, dating violence, sexual harassment, and stalking?

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your level of interest in attending workshops at the Summit on these PREVENTION topics.

  Very interested Somewhat interested Slightly interested Not interested
Collaborating with community partners (e.g. sexual assault crisis centers, service providers, etc.)
Collaborating with campus partners (e.g. residency halls, athletics, Greek organizations, etc.)
Media campaigns
Evidence based and best practices for sexual violence prevention on campuses
Bystander intervention programs
Social media campaigns
Preventing perpetration against people disproportionately affected (e.g. LGBTQ, student of color, students with disabilities, etc.)
Sexual Assault prevention
Using research on risk factors to prevent perpetration
Drug and alcohol policy approaches to prevention
Faculty engagement in prevention programming
Staff engagement in prevention programming
Dating Violence prevention
Sexual Harassment prevention
Relationship Violence prevention
Peer education programs
Engaging athletics in prevention
Campus organizational policy approaches to prevention
Engaging men in prevention
Stalking prevention
Engaging students in prevention
Peer engagement in prevention programming
Working with student organizations
Preventing perpetration against males

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your level of interest in attending workshops at the Summit on these RESPONSE topics.

  Very interested Somewhat interested Slightly interested Not interested
Trauma informed responses to sexual violence
Setting up a campus response team and protocol
Restorative practices for responding to students who have harmed but are staying on campus
How to respond to students with a history of sexual behavior problems
Training law enforcement
Sanctions for students with have violated campus policies
On-line reporting options and resources 
What happens during an Office of Civil Rights investigation

Question Title

* 4. We are seeking suggestions for Minnesota presenters who can share their expertise and experience. Do you have recommendations for local presenters for this Summit? (If possible, please include their name, contact information (e-mail address and/or telephone number), website, etc. Feel free to nominate yourself if you have specific expertise you'd like to share.

Question Title

* 5. What else, if anything, do you want the Summit Planning Committee to consider?