Completion of this survey automatically enters you in a chance to WIN 4 full-week VIP passes to SummerDaze 2023

Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. Age

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* 4. Nationality

Question Title

* 5. Gender

Question Title

* 6. Who were your favourite artists from SummerDaze 2022? (You can tick more than one)

Question Title

* 7. Who are your top 3 favourite international artists? (Singer/Band/DJ)

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* 8. Who are your top 3 favourite local artists? (Singer/Band/DJ)

Question Title

* 9. Who would you like to see at next year's SummerDaze Festival?

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* 10. Where did you hear about SummerDaze?

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* 11. How would you rate your overall experience at SummerDaze Malta 2022? 

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* 12. How much would you have been willing to pay for an event like SummerDaze in 2023?

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* 13. Did you find the sitemaps and informational videos useful when getting to the festival?

Question Title

* 14. How did you find our door staff?

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* 15. How did you find our entry queueing speed?

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* 16. How would you rate the drinks selection?

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* 17. How would you rate the food options?

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* 18. How would you rate your experience when buying a drink?

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* 19. How would you rate your experience using our reusable cup?

Question Title

* 20. If you could change something about SummerDaze Festival, what would it be?