Funding is provided from the Department of Education under the 10 year Languages Connect Strategy, and the scheme for summer camps is managed by Post-Primary Languages Ireland. PPLI is accepting applications for two-week activity based language learning summer camps for post-primary level students attending a post-primary school in Ireland.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Question Title

* 1. Language of Camp

Question Title

* 2. Camp co-ordinator contact details

Question Title

* 3. Venue for summer camp

Question Title

* 4. Proposed dates of summer camp. Summer camps must take place between Tuesday 3rd June and Friday 27th June 2025.


Question Title

* 5. Camp overview (Brief summary, no more than a paragraph)

Question Title

* 6. Please outline the educational curriculum you wish to cover for the two weeks and the activities and resources you will use to achieve your goals. See educational guidelines before completing this section. Please upload as either a Word document or a PDF file.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 7. Camp programme. Please upload either a Word document or a PDF version of your camp programme. (Grid format for the 2 weeks, approximately 1-2 pages)

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Camp budget. Please complete the budget template as an Excel file, and upload your completed version as a PDF file.

PDF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 9. Will there be outings on any of the days?

If so, please outline.

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* 10. Insurance is essential. Please outline which insurance company you use/will use.

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* 13. Please outline minimum qualifications for teachers

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* 16. Teachers, students and parents consent to photos and video clips to be taken for PPLI to use for the purpose of promotion of summer camps. Please ensure you make both students and parents aware of this, as we will send a video crew and/or photographer to your summer camp.

Question Title

* 17. I consent to PPLI holding my personal data in this form for the purpose of processing the application.