
Thank you for considering participation in the CIS Open Innovation Project.

You have our considerable gratitude!

This is your opportunity to contribute to the growth and improvement of CIS' TRaX Assessment.  We value the insights provided from our friends and supporters on the internet.


Before you move forward with submitting ideas, carefully read the information below.


The information you provide is given freely without any expectation of compensation or recognition.

By submitting your suggestion here, you agree to relinquish all rights to the content.  

CIS may choose to use all or part of the submission or not.  CIS reserves the right to make changes to the content before using it.  

Persons offering submissions in this site certify that the material is not copyrighted elsewhere, to the best of their knowledge.  

Submitters are requested to cite reference materials where available.

© Corporate Insight Strategy, 2017.

Question Title

* 1. I agree to the TERMS of USE documented above.