Hi there! We're interested in hearing from you about your school.

There are no right or wrong answers. You do not have to participate and you may skip any question you do not want to answer.
We are asking the following questions so that we can link your data between surveys (at the beginning and end of the year) without using information that can directly identify who you are.

Question Title

* What is the first letter of your middle name? If you do not have a middle name, please leave the question blank

Question Title

* What are the last 2 numbers of your phone number? If you do not have one, please write X.

Question Title

* What day of the month is your birthday? For example, if your birthday is January 8, you would write '8'

Question Title

* School

Question Title

* How often do you see other students..

  Never 1-2 times a month About 1 time a week 2-3 times / week Every day
messing with, trash talking, picking on others
spreading gossip and rumors
harassing someone because of their gender, gender identity or sexual orientation?
saying someone is fat, ugly, making fun of clothes
posting online or texting something mean
threatening, hitting, or pushing
joking about race or ethnicity
reporting conflicts to adults
staying out of conflict
being friendly or nice with everyone
speaking up for someone

Question Title

* How many students think it is...

  Almost nobody
A few
About 25% About 50% About 75% Almost everyone
not OK to gossip or spread rumors
not OK to harass someone because of their gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation?
OK to tell adults about conflict
good to be friendly and nice
OK to speak up for students
not good to threaten, hit, punch
not funny to post online or text mean things
good to stay out of conflict
not funny to mess with or pick on others
not OK to use racial, ethnic jokes

Question Title

* Think about your school. How true are the following statements

  Not at all true A little true Somewhat true Very true Completely true
Students of all races/ethnicities are treated equally at your school
The principals treat students of all races/ethnicities fairly
At your school, teachers are fair to students of all races/ethnicities

Question Title

* At your school....

  Not at all A little A lot Very much
do you think there is a problem of too many students gossiping, spreading rumors, or making drama for each other?
do you personally have a problem of students gossiping, spreading rumors, or making drama for you?
do you think that students are seriously emotionally affected when people gossip or spread rumors about them or when people make drama for them?