Evaluation Form

Thank you for attending our Community of Practice.  Please help us to evaluate the effectiveness of our training program by completing the following questions.  
Please be aware that your data in this survey is collected using SurveyMonkey.  SurveyMonkey data is stored securely in the United States and is accessed by TRACS WA in accordance with SurveyMonkey’s terms of use. You can find out more about SurveyMonkey’s terms of use by accessing the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/legal/terms-of-use/

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* 1. Are you currently a mentor for anyone?

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* 2. Does the mentee work at the same location as you?

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* 3. Is the mentee the same discipline as you?

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* 4. Is the mentoring 'clinical' or 'general support and advice'?

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* 5. How frequently do you meet with your mentee?

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* 6. Are you currently a mentee?

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* 7. Mentoring can be beneficial and rewarding to both the mentor and mentee.  Are you interested in becoming a mentor?

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* 8. Do you have a preference for the mentee's discipline?

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* 9. Do you have a preference for the level of experience of the mentee, such as students only, new graduates only, etc?

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* 10. Do you have any special skills or areas of experience in which  you would be happy to offer support?

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* 11. What total amount of time would be realistic for you to commit to mentoring? (Select one choice) (NB. This may reflect mentoring of more than one person)

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* 12. Are you interested in being mentored by someone? 

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* 13. If yes to above, would your preference of a mentor be:

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* 15. What would you hope to gain from the mentoring relationship, that you would not get from your current supervisor?

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* 16. How long would you expect the relationship to last?

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* 17. Have you used a mentoring template previously or are you aware of any resources to guide the mentoring process?

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* 19. If you would like to be contacted about being a mentor, mentee (or both) please leave your name and contact details below, otherwise leave blank.