Survey Introduction

17% of survey complete.
The Western Transportation Institute (WTI) at Montana State University is conducting this survey as a part of the Bozeman Commuter Project to help understand current use, riders and their experiences, as well as the potential for expanded services of the Streamline transit system. The survey should take less than 5 minutes, and upon completion of the survey you can enter your email address or phone number to be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 4 prizes, either a $25 Walmart gift certificate, or $25 Downtown Bozeman Dollars (good for any downtown Bozeman businesses). Your email or phone number will not be tied to your responses, and this information is for purposes of the prize drawing only.

The results of this survey will be used by WTI, the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) and the City of Bozeman to improve the existing Streamline services, and identify community priorities for service expansion. WTI appreciates your help in improving our understanding of the community's needs and desires with respect to the Streamline transit system.

While participation in the survey is strictly voluntary, we are looking to have as many Streamline riders answer this survey as possible, so please share the link to this survey with anyone else you know who rides Streamline.