Introduction and Instructions for Completing This Survey

Professional school nurse assessments determine whether students stay in school, go home with parents or require emergency transport. In addition, chronic health conditions have a significant impact on student achievement and affect professional nurse staffing. Your submission of your aggregated district totals obtained using the Count Us In NYS data collection tool will document the effect of school nurses on student health, safety, and education at both the state and national level.

Instructions for the Identified District Count Us In NYS Reporter
Please complete the survey below using the District Reporter End of the Year Totals Form which contains the monthly totals of what happened to the student after they visited the health office (Home, Back to Class and 911 Call and Transport),  the total number of students in the district and the  total number diagnosed with asthma,  T1 Diabetes,  T2 Diabetes, seizure disorders and life-threatening allergies, and total RN and LPN FTE’s.

Enter the number located in the District Total column into the survey. These totals will be shared with the NYSED as an aggregate to support what school nurses do every day in NYS, however, your district will not be identified.

The survey takes approximately 2 minutes to complete. The Survey should be completed by 7/1/18

Thank you for providing this critical information which validates the impact of school nurses in New York State.

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25% of survey complete.