Introduction: New Jersey Solar Transition Stakeholder Engagement Process

The NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has engaged the consulting firms Sustainable Energy Advantage and Cadmus Group (the Consulting Team) to support the BPU throughout the Solar Transition Process.  The Consulting Team will be working with the BPU to organize a variety of stakeholder engagement activities.  

The purpose of this questionnaire is: (1) to solicit interest from stakeholder organizations in participating in the process; (2) identify the appropriate individuals at interested organizations and gather their contact information; and (3) characterize their 'perspective' on or role in the industry to facilitate sector-specific outreach.

By responding, you are indicating your interest in opportunities to participate in stakeholder engagement activities, which may include participating in stakeholder workshops, responding to surveys and questionnaires, providing data, being interviewed, reviewing and responding to consultant’s analysis, and/or providing comments.

The information gathered here will be used solely by the Consulting Team and BPU Staff for organization and outreach via phone or e-mail for the purposes of this initiative. 

You should plan on approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire.